2-3 dominant colors of your design, e.g. red, green, dark blue etc.

Colors that will give an accent but are not dominant

Style of your design
Choose one of the three styles that will represent your unique design.
Calm - clean design with few details.
Medium - moderately lively design with medium amount of details.
Vibrant - extremely lively design with many details.

Choose your font

Name that will go on the back of the shirt (optional)

Write here all your thougts and ideas about your unique design (anything that comes to your mind that might help us to create the best outcome for you)
Select your item(s) that you need to design
Your logos:

You can add your team and sponsor logos on the design. Prefered file types: eps, cdr, ai, pdf (logos in vector graphics) or very good quality jpg, png


Insert your measurements using our Size Chart for guidance. Picture of the shirt, next to the measurement field, is illustrative.

Write here all your thoughts and ideas about your custom measured shirt (anything that comes to your mind that might help us to create the best outcome for you)